Papa’s Popcorn
The week before Easter we drive to Alabama.We pack our clothes, Dad packs his camera.
We get there and quickly take off our shoes and run to the dirt yelling “I will beat you!”
There our Papa has plowed up the ground and in just a few months treasures will be found.
Nana comes bringing kisses and hugs. Before long it will be waters and jugs.
For its time to get to work, laying out rows, dropping seeds in mounds or holes.
Every Good Friday after the tilling is done. Our family plants seeds til the setting sun.
Then we wait, water and wait some more. But for us we know its worth the yummy galore.
My favorite treat is the popcorn we grow, although I don’t like the work with a hoe.
We wait extra long for the harvest of this and the process is fun you don’t want to miss!
After its ready to pick we shuck it and shell it-Hard yellow kernals plop loud in the bucket.
Then we leave it an hour or so to dry in the sun then take it to nana to where the popping is done.
She pours a little oil and salt in a pot. Then I grab a handful. I grab a lot
Of the freshly shelled corn that we took from the cob. Then we listen we laugh as the heat does its job.
Now some more salt and a cousin or two; Sit down with some lemonade and munch and chew.
“Isn’t hard work rewarding?!” I say, and that is just the work from today!
Tomorrow is butter bean shelling contest! Finding ripe watermelon is what I like best.
I like the smell and feel of the dirt. I like that the wet of the sweat on my shirt.
I like that my brow is damp and not dry. I like this food better than the food that you buy.
Store bought food isn’t bad but there’s one thing that’s true
You REALLY appreciate its origin-when its origin is YOU!