Granny’s Bread
I can remember being in college and my mom MAILING me homemade bread! Growing up Granny Pace kept us in good supply of bread but when we moved too far for her to deliver, she gave my mom a cup of her “sacred starter”.
It had been handed down to her from her mom, and now my mom could make her own! It soon became a favorite in our new town and people called in “Beth Bread”. When I left home in 2001 it was one of the things I missed most other than the people
. …And then I got married. If you have read anything on this blog on why I started “Little Joys”, then you will note that I didn’t start our too confident as a HOMEmaker. It wasn’t until after my SECOND child was born that I felt like I might could be trusted with making bread. In 2009 I finally got the guts to ask my mom for a cup of starter and tried for the first time. My kids and I ate an entire loaf before Ben got home from work!
It soon became a regular baking event. I sold it for a year or so before Molly was born and now I have decided to sell again.
I am SOO excited to share with you what Home TASTES like. Seriously, when I take a bite, it takes me back to when my feet didn’t even touch the floor and I sat in a wooden chair and eating bread as the kitchen window unit blew loudly and Daddy sliced the bread on a wooden cutting board.
My dears, go get in YOUR kitchen and decide what tastes like home to you! Then come back and tell me about it would ya?