What a wonderful world…{well sort of..}
Picture Nat King Cole with his smooth voice .. thats what this perfectly organized pantry is like for my hubs..buuuttt we have SIX people in our family and only two of them are adults that care about an organized home at this point.
So how do we tackle the daily and weekly tasks? We could chat for hours but I will spare you and share what you would see at the closing of my home organization questionnaire: (In case you want/need help I do home evaluations and can be your personal home organizer-just PM me:) First, ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS figure our a way to put like items with like items. ALL the scissors in one location, all the pencils/pens etc. It will simplify your life greatly!! Then develop a cleaning schedule that works for you.
Here is my weekly schedule: (forgive my kindergarten teacher alliteration background)
Mopping Monday-sweep, vacuum and mop the house
Tidy Tuesday- pick up all items on the floor and put away
Washing Wednesday-fold, hang and put away laundry
Thorough Thursday- Clean bathrooms (toilets, sinks, showers, tub) DUST all wood and clean mirrors
Frugal Friday-search for ways to save or sell. Make meal plan for week and order groceries
Sabbath Saturday-REST-Do the minimal.
Serving Sunday-for me this has always been a day where I am serving others either through some form of ministry or otherwise.
DAILY: wash & dry a load of laundry-even if its not folded (that waits til Wednesday), Clorox wipe potty seats in powder (guest) bath, take out trash, run dishwasher *note we are a family of six
MONTHLY: wipe cabinets exterior, doorknobs, walls where hands touch often, stair rails, light switches (more often if there has been sickness)
Check for piles of paper/clothes/other- sort/declutter/discard
Now.. wouldn’t it be a wonderful place if it could stay that way? Just kidding of course! I will take all the dirty-fingered messy love I can get! One day they will be gone and my house will be too clean!